Deeksharambh- 2024
Registration Desk
Welcome Address & Fire Side Chat
Familiarization with University & Institute
Values & Physical Activity
Extra Curricular Activity
Universal Human Values
Alumni Interaction
Field Visits
The Symbiosis School of International Studies orgainsed a workshop on developing soft skills among students. Dr. Vidya Moorthy guided students to develop soft skills like communication, work ethics, interpersonal skills etc.
The workshop was organise don March 11, 2017. In the field of international affairs, communication and inter cultural skills are relevant to secure job and towards this end the workshop played an important role in inculcating awareness about the importance of soft skills. The workshop also touched on preparation of CVs for internship and job.
Soft Skill Workshop | 11th March 2017 |
Career Advancement
Effective Living and Leadership Programme with IOFC (2019)
Language and communication skills
Academic Writing workshop | 17th MARCH, 2018 |
Academic Writing workshop | 18TH AUGUST, 2018 |
Internalization Of Global Politics: A New Normal
Research Workshops
SSIS Dialogues (Seminars and Guest Lectures)
International Relations Conferences
Students Research Conclave